Jumat, 16 November 2007


Life seems like sixty when he besides me . . .

Just call him Yoga.

I knew him for first time at Friendster,
one of the biggest site for making friends, when he sent me message.
I remember, he wrote some words,
"she's for sheila, rite ?"
fyi, my friendster's name is SHE's .
( add me : thisisme_sheila@yahoo.com )

Day by day,

I forgot about him because there were many friends who sent me messages.
Until one day he sent me messages [ again ] after he looked at my new photos,
which was taken on singapore.
To be evident, he lived on singapore too.
He asked my why i didn't tell him when i gone to singapore.
I just never thought that he lives there !!

After that time, we always chat in YM .

fyi, he's my ex-boyfriend's sibling.
i can share everything i like.
my happiness, sadness, ah..
everything!! =)

oh yea, i hate when some of my ex-boyfriends are jealous with him.

i thought that it was so ridiculous!!
"hellooo....!! yoga's JUST my chatmate, best chatmate in the world!!"

8th October 2007 was my first meeting.

i picked him up on juanda.
when i arrived, he was still waiting for his luggage.
i just so nervous....
i saw a tall man who wore a fedora hat and casual suite wif jeans.
i felt like the world was stopping its rotation for a second.
i called him, "yoga!!"
he looked at me.
i couldn't see his eyes.
too shy to see.

when he was here, i often hang out with him.

i still remember,
- 09102007, someone went in to men's restroom (and it was me),
it was raining, funny waiter made us laugh like crazy,
we were lost on our way back home, beser,
at least we've done all the craziest things together..

what a beautiful moments ..

i'm in love with him..

now, he has gone to sgp.

and i wish we could meet on this december.
my dad asked me to go there..
i'm so excited and can't wait to meet him again!!

everything begins from the simple things.

i ask you,

"do you believen in superpower of cyberspace?"

I DO .


1 komentar:

adhitya mengatakan...

Do YOU belive

coz i had lot of experiances about that.. :p

akulah saksi -korban- dari itu..

tetep semangat yaa...